Life Experience Degree. Equivalent to your learned skills
Get a college degree based on your experience

Life Experience Degree

The history, evolution, and buy equivalent


A life experience degree, is an award granted—on the basis of an individuals skills and achievementsas ascertained by a board, or governing body of a degree granting institution. This includes short-term, or life-long: work-skills, volunteer-ism, education, military training, and even parenting. The experiences applied, are equal to college credits, for: Associates, Bachelors degree,  Master's, also, life Doctorate degrees and Honorary.

How do you get a degree on the basis of life experience?

There are two, notable ways to obtain a diploma based on what you already know.

  1. Standardized Testing, such as the CLEP or DSST exams: They do cost, and are time intensive.
  2. Buy a Life Experience Degree Online, likewise, it costs, and only takes 24-72 hours to receive.
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation

Introduction to Degrees Issued, Established on Living Experiences.

It was the early 1800s that dawned the age of the "life experience degree." The University of London, established in 1836, a pioneer of elevated scholarly learning, became the first to offer certificates and diplomas without requiring in-class attendance. In modern day,  this innovative idea, is called Nontraditional Education. Online learning, residencies under supervision, and independent training, to name a few.


Chronology of Life Experience Awards Granting

  • 4000-5240 BC: Patriarchs awarded priesthood based on servitude and sacrifice. Rather than parchment, this was a covenant.
  • AD 1400: Stone scribes, or cuneiform writing, were recorded to they whom maintained their pinnacle of politics.
  • 862 AD: The University of Karueein, the oldest University in the world, awards the first Bachelor's degree, of course, in Latin.
  • Late Middle Ages: 1478: The University of Oxford conferred upon Lionel Woodville, for his education and experience, the first Honorary Doctorate, "Doctor of Canon Law" with no formal University requirements.
  • Modern Era: Harvard, Princeton, and other distinguished higher education facilities, award graduate, and post-graduate certificates upon visionaries whom play their part in changing the world.
  • Aughts Era: 2000-2009: GMAT and LSAT are common graduate University standardized tests. While you cannot entirely earn a degree with "testing out" of class. You can certainly reduce the course-load, which, in turn, lessens the time needed to graduate.
  • Cenozoic Era: Besides the aforementioned, 65% of "page one" results, pertaining to the search of "life experience degree," returned by Google, are websites which sell degrees, with no testing or class attendance whatsoever. Got 200-400 Bucks? You can simply purchase your award online. The Caveat? Although most claim they maintain accreditation, they do not, further, in most cases, a simply query online, will show the diploma you just shelled out hundreds for, is mired in bad-press, and its presence is prominent on most, if not all, diploma-mill sites.


While many seek no financial gain from displaying their certification issued for experience, as the article is employed simply for accolades, they remark in a similar fashion via testimonial: It is merely for self satisfaction, and on a positive note, one writer commented, "it increases my self esteem, and helps to solidify a stronger foundation for my goals and endeavors." Well played Mr. EDUmattersnot (actual user-name).

History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common


When it comes to employers, they see a college or University decree as more of "a guarantee" of a specific skill-set, which they are looking for, unlike life experience, which is varied, and may be nominal:  think "jack-of-all trades, Master of none" while you may posses many talents, you may not truly be an expert authority, or scholar at your craft.  Finally, Buying a certificate  based on experience, lets you marry your life-long skills, with an instant bachelor, Master, or Ph.D.


As we see above, Colleges and University Professors—Trustees, and Admissions directors—found there are scores of productive, intelligent persons with a myriad of mastered-proficiencies, whom have no conventional or documented education. These self-learners, scientifically referred to, as “autodidacts,” were in search of a way to be recognized. Few, had attained the knowledge and spirit to teach at the professorship level, without formal educational attainments. Since the 15th century, degrees were bequeathed  on they, whose service to community and country, as well as, achievements--which showed demonstrably, of their scholarship which warranted recognition. Celebrities are common recipients of life experience credential(s). One exemplary illustration is Meryl Streep, whom was awarded four Doctorate Honorary degrees, from accredited  Ivy League Schools nonetheless, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton University.


Digital Connectivity, and Connectedness, also, the need to fit in--and feel better--fuels the modern day demand for "degrees to purchase." Sure, hoards are sitting, at desk, with times aptitude tests before them, hoping to test out of "fluff classes" (think-English 101, Global Cultures, Intro to Spanish) and gain what they think is "quick college credits for what they already know." Unbeknownst to them, roughly 70% of schools  fail and standardized testing isn't helping. Their endeavor was moot.




Undergraduate college and university




University of Phoenix had the highest drop rate nationally



DEBT $7,154

Dropped out and carried financial aid and other debt

Is the Increasing percentage of College Dropouts Fueling the Desire to Buy a Life Experience Degree Online?


With just over three million college and University students dropping out of college, can we assume the "boom" regarding non-accredited, for purchase a parchment online, is attributed to this? In our opinion, the level of debt required to complete college level courses, lack of ability to maintain supportive connections in school, and student family commitments and support.


Financial aid is not the simplest to receive, and even the Pell Grant will only cover about 30% of a four year education. What will it take for U.S. institutions to compete with top-tier countries, such as, Japan.


If the college or university in question, is  a "brick and mortar" accredited institution, and your life proficient credit, which was granted by the aforementioned, the answer is likely, yes. However, those whom buy a life experience degree, with no testing, no study, and no attendance whatsoever, should not expect their credentials to be legitimized in any fashion, or, accepted by local, state or federal companies for work.


To sum up, an accredited life equivalent diploma, from a well named "no bad press" University, can be w wonderful accolade for your years of knowledge, likewise, to get a private testimony to the skills you posses, as a self-taught "master at your craft."  Buy recognition regionally accredited. Having a commission, or voucher, by charter of a higher educational facility, can change an existence, if bought appropriately. Your wisdom, and exposure, also involvement in enriching programs throughout living, will propel your proficiency. Sustained online practical learning, equivalent to what you enjoy will also be fruitful. Is it correlation, not causation, that sees the insurgence of university level decrees? In practical understanding, it could be justified. Our analysis, is: "Don't just take our word for it." Use your own deterministic models of research.

Can i get a degree based on my experience? Yes, you can buy one online.
History and Chronology of accredited awards based on skills alone
Buy a Life experience degree online
work experience degree equivalent

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Life Experience Degree. Equivalent to your learned skills
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation
History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common
Can i get a degree based on my experience? Yes, you can buy one online.
History and Chronology of accredited awards based on skills alone
Buy a Life experience degree online
work experience degree equivalent
Life Experience Degree. Equivalent to your learned skills
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation
History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common
Can i get a degree based on my experience? Yes, you can buy one online.
History and Chronology of accredited awards based on skills alone
Buy a Life experience degree online
work experience degree equivalent
Life Experience Degree. Equivalent to your learned skills
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation
History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common
Can i get a degree based on my experience? Yes, you can buy one online.
History and Chronology of accredited awards based on skills alone
Buy a Life experience degree online
work experience degree equivalent
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation
History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common
Can i get a degree based on my experience? Yes, you can buy one online.
History and Chronology of accredited awards based on skills alone
Buy a Life experience degree online
work experience degree equivalent
Award or Degree Certification Online. Verify credentials of Graduation
History and Chronology  of life experience degrees, explained in detail
Testing for, or buying a college degree for experience are the two methods most common